How to book your Church Wedding in France

Church Wedding France

Dreaming of having your wedding ceremony in a church in France?  High ceilings, dramatic threshold, long aisle, pipe organ – If so, you’re in luck! France offers an amazing selection of historic churches for your church wedding.  However, while the process can be relatively simple, it’s important to understand the framework and general rules about organizing a church wedding.


So, whether you’re daydreaming about walking down the aisle of a quaint village chapel or a colossal city cathedral follow these simple steps to ensure that you’re on track for your church wedding in France.

Most churches in France are of Catholic denomination, since France is an historically Catholic country.  (I’ll spare you the history lesson for now!) As such, ceremonies celebrated in these church buildings must be Christian wedding ceremonies.  Non-Christian or non-religious ceremonies (Humanist celebrations for example) will not be permitted inside a Catholic church.  

 Basically, there are two types of ceremonies that may be permitted in a Catholic Church: Catholic Wedding Ceremonies & Anglican or Protestant Wedding Ceremonies

 Let’s dive into the exact steps for booking your church depending on
your denomination:


Catholic Ceremony

1.  Select the church - generally local to your venue

2.  Determine which parish sector (La Paroisse)the church belongs to.  Churches from different towns are generally grouped together into parish sectors for administrative purposes.  One parish center manages multiple church buildings.

3.  Contact the parish center that manages your preferred church.  The parish center is called “Le presbetyre” 

4.  Make the official inquiry: Is the date free? What paperwork needs to be filled out? Is a priest available?  Sometimes at this stage they will refer you directly to le curée or le prêtre – the parish priest

5.  If you are planning on bringing your own priest, let them know.  This is widely accepted!

6.  Once the parish has confirmed your request, you can start your marriage preparation with the parish local to where you live.  They will then transfer all necessary paperwork to the parish in France.

Anglican or Christian Ceremony

 1.   Select church - generally local to your venue

2.  Determine which parish sector (La Paroisse) the church belongs to.  Churches from different towns are grouped together into parish sectors.  One parish center manages multiple church buildings.

3.  Contact the parish center that manages your preferred church.  The parish center is called “Le presbetyre” 

4.  Explain that you would like to host a non-Catholic, Christian ceremony.  Give as many details as possible about your denomination, the ceremony layout and the celebrant. 

5.  Ask permission from the parish priest.  You will most likely need to speak directly to the parish priest to receive special permission.  The parish priest is the only person who can grant permission.   

If the parish priest accepts your request:

·       Ask for official confirmation of the date

·       Provide the parish with contact details of the pastor who will be celebrating the ceremony

If the parish priest declines your request (which is a possibility), unfortunately you will not be able to have your ceremony in any church that the parish priest oversees.  You would have to look in another parish with another parish priest


A few things to keep in mind

-  Whether it's a Catholic or Christian ceremony, only the parish priest has the authority to accept or decline your request.  He is always the final decision maker

- Some priests simply do not accept non-Catholic ceremonies in their parish churches.  

- Some priests do not accept weddings for couples who are from out of town (this happens to French couples as well)

- Some priests speak English! Always ask.

- Many Parish centers are manned by volunteers.  Their mission is to answer the phone and direct calls. Sometimes they do not have all necessary information.  If you find this is the case, ask to speak directly to the parish priest.

- Keep in mind: A surprisingly high number of people in France do not know the difference between Catholics & Protestants (history again!).  Give details and explain your situation to be sure they fully understand.  This obviously does not apply to priests, who are well versed on the subject!

- If your request is accepted, you will be required to make a donation to the parish.  They will confirm the amount.

-  You will need to submit a copy of your marriage license BEFORE you walk down the aisle.  In France, couples have to be legally married before a priest is able to perform a religious ceremony.  Make sure you do that before coming to France for the wedding and bring a copy of your marriage license.  

For more ideas and advice on how to have a legal wedding in France, check out this very comprehensive article!

