6 Signs you're about to get engaged!

‘Tis the season to get engaged!! Exciting right?

Marriage proposals are exciting; especially when you get that “feeling” that your significant other is going to pop the question.  Sometimes you see it coming, sometimes you don’t.  But if you’ve been together for a while, it’s not uncommon to be on the look-out for signs that your guy or gal is going to propose.  

But how do you know if you’re your partner is planning on proposing? Some of these signs might indicate that your partner is about to pop the question!

1. Your partner gets weird when people talk about marriage

Whether you’ve been together for 6 months or 6 years, it’s inevitable that you’ll get the occasional “So when are you two going to finally tie the knot” from your family and friends.  Under normal circumstances, your partner might offer a witty response, but now, he or she seems particularly irritated by the comment or ignores it completely!  Out of character? This may be a sign!


2. Your partner becomes secretive about their cell phone. 

This is a delicate one because we have a tendency of taking this as something negative.  But how many times have you hidden your screen or messages because you were planning a fun surprise?  If your significant other starts getting secretive or protective of his phone, this might be a sign!


3. Your partner insists on booking a romantic dinner or a special getaway

So, you’re the type of couple that calls at 8pm to make an 8:30pm dinner reservation or books a flight on Tuesday for a weekend getaway.  But all of the sudden, your special someone is asking you to book things way in advance.  Dinner at you that nice restaurant you’ve been meaning to try…in 2 weeks… A weekend get-away smack in the middle of a busy holiday season?  When you say “Don’t worry we have time” or “Since when do you want to handle this?”  they insist or wait an hour then pull up reviews to convince you that you need to book.  Maybe you’re even getting irritated because they are bugging you? Oh Yes – this is a sign!


4. Your partner starts getting closer to your family or friends

Last weekend you both spent the evening with your best friend and her partner.  Great night but your best friend give your partner that side smile or wink even heard them whispering together in the kitchen.  Hmm, could be suspicious in a bad way, but she and her partner were both looking at you starry-eyed talking about how they can’t wait until summer and feel like it’s going to be an exceptional year.  Strange right? That’s a sign.


5. Your partner starts snooping in your things

You’ve never caught your significant other in your jewelry box before.  But today, you realized that the box was left open, your things moved around or maybe even that ring grandma gave you for your graduation was missing.  Why would they snoop like that? Proposal is in preparation!


6. Your birthday, anniversary or holiday is approaching

Very predictable.  If a hallmark moment in your relationship or in the year is coming up, there is a good chance that if you’ve seen some other signs, a proposal is on the way!


Happy Proposal!!

Want to pop the question in France? Looking for an amazing location? DM me over on Instagram and I'll send my favorite locations!   

Photo: @stephenliberge
